Ascend Movement Studio Inc

Women's Week Theme Ride
with Brandi

March 7 (Friday)
at 6:00 am

Class length
45 minutes

Class type

Welcome to Women's Week! All week we're cooking up rides to the beat of some seriously fun song to some seriously badass women. Expect to sweat your way through one of our favourite classes with playlists curated to elicit effort while bringing a smile to your face at the same time

Be sure to join Sarah on Saturday, March 8th for International Women's Day and an especially empowering All Request Rhythm Ride. This year's theme is Accelerate Actionand Sarah is curating a ride to offer up just that. When we prioritize efforts to eliminate systemic barriers and biases that impede women's quality, everyone wins. Together we can break down obstacles that prevent women from reaching their fullest potential, and it all starts within. We're going to remind you of that.


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